Tuesday, December 29, 2009

101 Things to do in 1001 days

So, here it is my "bucket" list. I will check them off as I go along. I will be starting my check off January 1,2010. If you have anymore ideas please feel free to let me know. I have done some of these things before, and traveled to most of these places. I just want to do them again now that I am older.

1. Skydive
2. Buy gifts for a needy kid at Christmas
3. Travel to Italy
4. Snowboard DONE(12/09)
5. Travel to Switzerland
6. Clean out clothes drawersDONE
7. Use more coupons
8. Travel to NYC
9. Vegas baby!!!
10. Take dance lessons
11. Take cooking lessons
12. Have another baby
13. Swim with dolphins
14. Snorkel
15. Travel to Greece
16. Go to the Caribbean
17. Mexico aye aye aye
18. Buy curtains for master bedroom
19. Fall in love again
20. Write a book
21. Go on a trip alone
22. Go on a girls trip
23. Try teeth whitening
24. Write a letter to Landon every year on his bday
25. Buy a SLR camera, become a better photographer
26. 5 days with no cursing or hateful commentsDONE
27. Camp once per year
28. Float the Frio
29. Host a party
30. Attend a black tie event
31. Try to relax more and not get upset about the little things
32. Buy the perfect Little Black Dress
33. See a play at the Alley theater
34. See the nutcracker
35. See a play on Broadway
36. Attend more concerts
37. Get an official will on file with a lawyer
38. Buy my dream car
39. Go to a hole in the wall restaurant
40. Scrapbook more
41. Get pictures printed
42. Spend a day at the movies
43. Go to the shooting range more often
44. Learn golf
45. Take Landon to the beach
46. Take Landon to Disney
47. Take Landon to pick berries
48. Make cake balls
49. Go hunting
50. Go to a fancy restaurant
51. Try 10 new restaurants
52. Try a new food
53. Cook more
54. Visit Canton
55. Make Landon a quilt out of his baby clothes
56. Stay off the internet for a whole week
57. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
58. Make someone a birthday cake from scratch
59. Get better at baking
60. Take the walking museum tour
61. Take Landon to the museum
62. Work out for 30 days
63. Visit my brother in SC
64. Visit my brother in CO
65. Let my hair grow long again
66. Lose 10 pounds
67. Get a good job that I enjoy
68. Take more time for myself
69. Get more mani/pedis
70. Buy a really great pair of shoes
71. Dress up more
72. Buy a nice perfume
73. Read more
74. Buy an original nintendo
75. Purge at least 10 things from each room in my house
76. Get rid of some of the million movies that we dont watch anymore
77. Journal more
78. Take a wine class
79. Have a spa day
80. Take an uninterrupted bubble bath
81. Own a pair of diamond earrings
82. Walk more
83. Finish painting and decorating the house
84. Buy new bedroom furniture
85. Take more chances
86. Forgive more
87. Take a professional makeup lesson
88. Learn to do my own pedicures
89. Wear heels more (they make me feel sexy)
90. Learn a new craft
91. Get a better paying job!
92. Clean out the 'junk" drawers
93. Put more money in savings
94. Attend a college football game
95. Tour a winery
96. Landscape the front yard
97. Let Landon spend the night away from home
98. No eating out for 7 days
99. Blog more
100. Buy new pots and pans
101. If I have accomplished all of these then, make a new list!!!

So, thats my list. Wish me luck!! I hope I can accomplish at least half of it!

1 comment:

  1. woah dang that's alot! lol! i hope you get it all accomplished! thanks for commenting on my blog! i am happy!
